Capital Hero

102, 860 E Carson St, Carson, CA 90745, USA

Customer phone number+1.***.***.**15
Kiosk ID10405

Congratulations, You just purchased Bitcoin Cash via Capital Hero

USD Sold500.00
BCH Purchased1.0708851
USD/BCH Rate466.9035

Transaction id:

23d0602c7e6a731941915b3ac66a6575 ea28c06aeb03e1d5c7547fb03b113c3d

Public Bitcoin Cash Wallet Address loaded:

qqre llh5 f6lv 4t6h 965p 4ngp y9nu rct3 6qr3 9z7v k0

DISCLAIMER: This is strictly a show demo of this system's ability to buy and sell crypto assets.

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